Monday 20 April 2009

chapter 4_PERCEPTION

Talking about perception, it is the most important in our daily life. For example, first time we meet someone, the first impression we see and predict he/she personality. If what we see at first is good, for sure it is good until the end and whatevermore. Eventhough, he/she is not, that is why first impression influence our perception to someone. This is related to my experience. I met someone that i don't like at first but until now, we are still friends. I met her at first, i felt like she wasn't good friend to be with. This is because she was to social. Her friends are taking drugs, smoking and many more and my perception that time i've been thinking that maybe she also like that. I'm not saying that i am a good person but i really want to avoid from that kind of people. So, my first met was i have been introduce by my friends Nur Fazreena Hani, that also the person friend. Before i forget, the person name is Nur Syafiqah. This incident happened when we were in secondary school. So, we were talking to each other then we become close friend. I know now that eventhough she've been friends with the person that taking drugs or anything, thank god that she's not influence by them. So, i've wrong perception towards her. Now i feel that if we doesn't know that person, we cannot judge them by physical appearance. Don't judge a book by its cover.

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